Faculty Development & Support
eP3: Praxis, Process & Production
This introductory three-day workshop explores integrating ePortfolios into pedagogy and course design. Participants consider strategies to promote integrative learning, planning how they will incorporate ePortfolios within a course the following semester. The workshop occurs in the spring each year, with a call for applications announced
Other Opportunities
Designing a Professional ePortfolio: A 1-2 hour workshop in which participants design their personal ePortfolios with guidance.
Playing with MultiModal Tools: A 1-2 hour workshop on a digital program to help faculty design assignments with multimodal elements to be added to ePortfolios.
ePortfolio Assistance
Classroom Visits
Our eP Assistants are available to visit your class, for 30 minute sessions. At the start of the semester, we offer visits in which the Assistants introduce the concept of ePortfolios as a genre. the value of ePortfolios, as well as discuss available eP resources. During this visit, they can also demonstrate some basic functions on a specific platform if you share that information in advance. Later in the semester, we also offer additional visits, in which the ePortfolio Assistants can demonstrate some specific processes, such as activating WordPress templates, sharing material, granting access, and so on.

Digital Tool Workshop
The ePortfolio Program offers student workshops for courses and programs using ePortfolios. In these workshops, ePortfolio Assistants guide students through an ePortfolio tool of your choice (Google Drive, Wix, or WordPress) providing in-depth and hands-on experience with that tool. The workshops are more focused on the use of a tool than our introductory class visits, which provide an overview to ePortfolios, related tools, and available ePortfolio resources.
We are able to take attendance and confirm for you if your students participated (should you assign an attendance requirement or extra credit opportunity).
Office of Academic Innovation & Learning Support (AILS)
ePortfolio Scholarship
As High Impact Practice
- High-Impact Educational Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter, George D. Kuh
- High-Impact Practices: Eight Key Elements and Examples
- AACU: ePortfolios
- Reflective E-portfolios: One HIP to Rule Them All?, David Hubert, Jason Pickavance and Amanda Hyberger
- HIPs Done Well, Alma Clayton-Penderson and Ashley Finley
- Assessing Underserved Students' Engagement in High Impact Practices, Ashley Finley and Tia McNair
Reflective Pedagogy
- "Reflection, Integration, and ePortfolio Pedagogy," Bret Eynon, Laura M. Gambino & Judit Török
- "ePortfolio as a Measure of Reflective Practice," Kelly A. Parkes, Katie S. Dredger, David Hicks
- "Examining the Role of Reflection in ePortfolios: A Case Study," Cynthia M. Landis, Susan B. Scott, Susan Kahn
- ePortfolios and Self-Reflection: Powerful Pedagogical Tools, Megan O'Connor
- Finding Common Ground: Identifying and Eliciting Metacognition in ePortfolios Across Contexts
- The use of ePortfolios to Support Metacognitive Practice in a First-Year Writing Program
- Portfolio Partnerships between Faculty and WAC: Lessons from Disciplinary Rractice, Reflection, and Transformation, Brad Peters & Julie Robertson
Content and Design
- User Testing Student ePortfolios: An Activity for Peer Reviewing Showcase ePortfolios and Raising Audience Awareness, Jenae Cohn
- ePortfolios and Audience: Teaching a Critical Twenty-first Century Skill, Chris Gallagher & Laurie Poklop
- Maximizing the Function of Student Eportfolios, Natasha Oehlman, Heather Haegar, Bridgette Clarkston, and John E. Banks
- Documenting Learning, Thomas C. Black
- How Authors and Readers of ePortfolios Make Collaborative Meaning, Ruth Benander & Brenda Refaei
- Audience, integrity, and the Living Document: eFolio Minnesota and Lifelong and Lifewide Learning with ePortfolios, Darren Cambridge
- The Digital Imperative: Making the Case for a 21st-century Pedagogy, Elizabeth Clark
- Digital portfolio sensibility: An interview with Kathleen Blake Yancey
- The Social ePortfolio: Integrating Social media and Models of Learning in Academic ePortfolios, Lauren Klein
- The Use of Visual Images in Building Professional Self-identities
- Multimodal Communication in the University: Surveying Faculty across Disciplines
Equity and Student Success
- Advancing Equity and Student Success through Eportfolios
- High-Impact Practices for Student Success
- Using Eportfolios to Deepen Civic Engagement, Nancy J. O'Laughlin and Susan T. Serra
- Eportfolios, Assessment, and General Education Transformation, David Hubert
- Design Thinking as a Strategy for Consensus in General Education Reform, Tom Schrand
- Accessible ePortfolios for visually-impaired users: Interfaces, designs, and infrastructures, Sushil Oswal
- ePortfolios: Foundational Measurement Issues
- An Empirical Framework for ePortfolio Assessment
- Institutional Assessment and the Integrative Core Curriculum: Involving Students in the Development of the ePortfolio System
- ePortfolio Performance Support Systems: Constructing, Presenting, and Assessing Portfolios
- Study Shows Steady Growth in ePortfolio Use (AAEEBL)
- Employer Survey (AACU 2013)
- Employer Survey Summary (AACU 2013)
- Employers show more interest in ePortfolios | E-Portfolio_Mechanics
- ePortfolio as Hiring Tool
- Social Media Used To Evaluate Job Seekers 2018
- Building Personal Brands with Digital Storytelling Portfolios, Beata Jones & Carrie Leverenz
Research Resources
- Field Guide to ePortfolio
- An Overview of ePortfolios, George Lorenzo and John Ittelson
- International Journal of ePortfolio
- NCTE's ePortfolio Bibliography
- Catalyst for Learning (ePortfolio Research and Resource Hub)
- Inter/National Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research
- "What Difference Can ePortfolio Make? A Field Report from the Connect to Learning Project"
- Outcomes Assessment Articles
Contact Us

Perry Library Learning Commons, LC 1313
Email: eportfolio@fixshowerfaucet.com
Telephone: 757.683.7093
Call for help scheduling an appointment, especially if you do not have consistent WiFi access.
Do you have a quick question? Send us a message via our public Slack. Simply select this link to chat with our team!
Please note, our team will only respond on this platform during our available tutoring hours.